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  Databases: china mainland Classes: 1-45
  Total similar results: 6747
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Number: 74976634A Class: 35
Owner: 浙江金猎鹰品牌管理有限公司
zhe jiang jin lie ying pin pai guan li you xian gong si


Number: 75265812 Class: 6
Owner: 深圳市金宏鹰五金制品有限公司
shen chou shi jin hong ying wu jin zhi pin you xian gong si


Number: 76408266 Class: 25
Owner: 浙江金鹰股份有限公司
zhe jiang jin ying gu fen you xian gong si


Number: 73120091 Class: 19
Owner: 新疆百信金鹰陶建材有限公司
xin jiang bai xin jin ying tao jian cai you xian gong si


Number: 74552520 Class: 35
Owner: 江西金鹰实业有限公司
jiang xi jin ying shi ye you xian gong si


Number: 73604338 Class: 2
Owner: 广德金鹰新材料科技有限公司
guang de jin ying xin cai liao ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 74972597 Class: 43
Owner: 浙江金猎鹰品牌管理有限公司
zhe jiang jin lie ying pin pai guan li you xian gong si


Number: 74370249 Class: 12
Owner: 南京三叶金鹰摩托车有限公司
nan jing san ye jin ying mo tuo che you xian gong si


Number: 75069944 Class: 41
Owner: 宣城金胜鹰体育用品有限公司
xuan cheng jin sheng ying ti yu yong pin you xian gong si

Number: 10183193 Class: 25
Owner: 亚太金鹰国际贸易(北京)有限公司
ya tai jin ying guo ji mao yi bei jing you xian gong si


Number: 10006679 Class: 10
Owner: 湖北金鹰生物科技有限公司
hu bei jin ying sheng wu ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 10300117 Class: 25
Owner: 亚太金鹰国际贸易(北京)有限公司
ya tai jin ying guo ji mao yi bei jing you xian gong si


Number: 9838016 Class: 4
Owner: 金鹰公司

Number: 10103399 Class: 18
Owner: 亚太金鹰国际贸易(北京)有限公司
ya tai jin ying guo ji mao yi bei jing you xian gong si


Number: 10462043 Class: 19
Owner: 曹县粤金鹰木业有限公司
cao xian yue jin ying mu ye you xian gong si


Number: 77544358 Class: 39
Owner: 湖南金鹰卡通传媒有限公司
hu nan jin ying ka tong mei you xian gong si


Number: 75926521 Class: 41
Owner: 湖南金鹰卡通传媒有限公司
hu nan jin ying ka tong mei you xian gong si

恒晖金鹰 HHY

Number: 10088527 Class: 36
Owner: 福建恒晖金鹰保险代理有限公司
fu jian heng hui jin ying bao xian dai li you xian gong si


Number: 9744325 Class: 10
Owner: 湖北金鹰生物科技有限公司
hu bei jin ying sheng wu ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 77509486 Class: 9
Owner: 余姚金鹰摄影器材有限公司
yu yao jin ying she ying qi cai you xian gong si

Total similar results: 6747 Did nothing in 0.9370 seconds

Disclaimer: This is a name-screening tool and there is no guarantee that it will find all potentially conflicting registrations or that the found "similar" trademarks will pose a relevant problem in the naming matter at hand. search results do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult with a lawyer about your particular case.

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