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  Databases: china mainland Classes: 1-45
  Total similar results: 31303943
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Number: 35973407 Class: 35
Owner: 深圳市鑫雅泰眼镜科技有限公司
shen chou shi xin ya tai yan jing ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 37517690 Class: 25
Owner: 孔飞
kong fei


Number: 31078703 Class: 31
Owner: 北京联创种业股份有限公司
bei jing lian chuang zhong ye gu fen you xian gong si


Number: 33511889 Class: 25
Owner: 南通四个壹网络科技有限公司
nan tong si ge yi wang luo ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 24113457 Class: 41
Owner: 深圳万象钱朝金融控股有限公司
shen chou wan xiang qian chao jin rong kong gu you xian gong si


Number: 6946386 Class: 5
Owner: 深圳诺普信农化股份有限公司
shen chou nuo pu xin nong hua gu fen you xian gong si


Number: 17202272 Class: 39
Owner: 中国中信集团有限公司
zhong guo zhong xin ji tuan you xian gong si


Number: 14326499 Class: 20
Owner: 重庆奥帝利科技有限公司
zhong qing ao di li ke ji you xian gong si


Number: 37524961 Class: 21
Owner: 郑州奕展服饰有限公司
zheng zhou yi zhan fu shi you xian gong si


Number: 33416071 Class: 35
Owner: 宁德市鑫利泰电子科技有限公司
ning de shi xin li tai dian zi ke ji you xian gong si

优控E家 EA

Number: 20821760 Class: 11
Owner: 广东大漆东方文化传播有限公司
guang dong da qi dong fang wen hua bo you xian gong si


Number: 9746446 Class: 35
Owner: 翁毓弟
weng yu di


Number: 15835456 Class: 36
Owner: 西安首创新开置业有限公司
xi an shou chuang xin kai zhi ye you xian gong si


Number: 1323421 Class: 25
Owner: 普宁市崇杰制衣有限公司
pu ning shi chong jie zhi yi you xian gong si


Number: 11283183 Class: 37
Owner: 深圳市海亚科技发展有限公司
shen chou shi hai ya ke ji fa zhan you xian gong si


Number: 22997121 Class: 11
Owner: 金沈军
jin shen jun


Number: 24923679 Class: 32
Owner: 曲阜市金凤凰食品有限公司
qu fu shi jin feng huang shi pin you xian gong si


Number: 31830988 Class: 32
Owner: 泉州闽台叁味餐饮管理有限公司
quan zhou min tai san wei can yin guan li you xian gong si


Number: 30775511 Class: 43
Owner: 古奇(中国)股份有限公司
gu qi zhong guo gu fen you xian gong si


Number: 13509831 Class: 11
Owner: 宁波海富进出口有限公司
ning bo hai fu jin chu kou you xian gong si

Total similar results: 31303943 Did nothing in 7.5925 seconds

Disclaimer: This is a name-screening tool and there is no guarantee that it will find all potentially conflicting registrations or that the found "similar" trademarks will pose a relevant problem in the naming matter at hand. search results do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult with a lawyer about your particular case.

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